Niko Courtelis

Chief Art Officer

Niko is a creative director, designer, filmmaker, and partner at Plazm. He has taught at his alma mater, Pratt Institute, the Pacific Northwest College of Art, and Portland State University. A recipient of the One Show Pencil, Art Director’s Club Cube and Young Guns Award, Niko collects postage stamps, typewriters, and vintage perforating machines, and uses them to make artistamps, mail, and correspondence art. His books Philatelic Atrocities, and Iconic: The Postage Stamps of Lance Wyman, were published by Kat Ran Press, and his OnCreativity video series is being serialized by Plazm. He founded PDXCC, the Portland Correspondence Co-op. Niko has a daughter and a three-legged turtle.  

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